Who am I?

Loganville, GA, United States
I'm a Christian woman married to a wonderful pastor's son. I thank the Lord for loving me enough to not only save me, but to send me such a wonderful man!~~~ Mom/step-mom to 6, w/4 grandkids so far. ~~~I have such diverse interests, I'm not quite sure where to start.~~~I'm a child of God; mom; daughter; wife; sister; aunt; cousin; niece; daughter-in-law; friend; entrepreneur; marketer; but mostly a goofball who loves her life!~~~I love, laugh, sing, cry, read, surf the WWW, blog, make endless lists. ~~~Food is a weakness and a passion.~~~Coffee is good - in moderation.~~~Randomness keeps life from getting boring.~~~***~~~And just in case you're wondering why my main blog is called Inside KATY's Head, Katy is a nickname for my 1st name, and what my mother-in-law thought I looked like when she first saw my picture. And it's easier to type!!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Truths to Set You Free!

From the book, "Lies Young Women Believe". My response/reaction in italics . . .

Truths to Set You Free!
(more to be found in the book, which I haven’t bought yet!~B~)

When I feel far from God and am tempted to feel He doesn’t love me - God loves me and wants me to have His best (Rom. 8:38–39) I am reminded daily of His love for me when I read his Word each morning.

When I feel ugly and fat - God created me a masterpiece (Ps. 139:14) I have to remind myself of this daily, due to a lifetime of listening to the world view of beauty. That world view is vanity, which is itself a sin.

When I feel rejected - God accepts me through Christ (Eph. 1:4–6) God’s acceptance is the only one that matters!

When I feel anxious about my circumstances - God can be trusted (Ps. 37:5) I have no fear of what the future holds, because I know that God is in control of my life. He does what he must to refine me like silver.

When I feel like I can’t handle a problem I’m facing - God’s grace is enough for me (2 Cor. 12:9) Again, God is in control! I don’t have to like what’s happening, but I know He has a purpose.

When I feel like my potential is limited by my past - My past does not have to control my future (2 Cor. 5:17) My past is exactly that - the past. It is not who I am now, nor what I will become. I have learned from my mistakes and am determined not to make them again. {I Corinthians 15:10(a)
But by the grace of God I am what I am: and his grace which was bestowed upon me was not in vain . . .", Luke 7:47}

When I want to blame others for my responses - I am responsible before God for my behavior, responses, and choices (Ezek. 18:20) Playing the blame game is not for Christians. We all must choose, and thus suffer the consequences, but praise God! He is willing to forgive once we confess & repent. {Psalm 86:5, I John 1:9}

When I feel that submitting to an authority will steal my freedom - The greatest freedom I can experience is found by submitting to God-ordained authority (Titus 3:1) Submission does not mean being a slave or doormat or punching bag for someone. Submission is part of obedience. Once we put aside our fear of domination and the arrogance of pride, submission comes easily.
I love all my girls - those to whom my body gave life, those who were born of the man I love, and others who I have come to know over time, no matter your age. You ALL have value; you are ALL precious, not only to God but to me. I would give my life for any of you, if I knew it would bring you into God’s arms. I’ve been down the rough road of life, living without Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. But now I have the power that comes from relying on the Almighty God, my Creator, my Protector, my Healer, my Deliverer, which enables me to greet each new day with a smile, regardless of circumstance. I know He is by my side all through the day, ready to help me face whatever obstacles come my way.

You can have that, too! If you are too ashamed to ask me or anyone else how, just talk to Him! You don’t have to pray a formal prayer; just talk to Him and ask forgiveness. Let Him lead you. It’s easier than you think.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Devotion, Part II

I don't know what was better - watching Megan & AC fishing or watching our dog, Chloe, follow AC around the pond. Chloe is an overweight daschund, and for that reason instead of caller her a wiener dog, we call her a sausage.

Her devotion to AC is such that she cries pitifully when le leaves for work, church, or even to go outside. She absolutely MUST know where he is, or she is distressed. Her excitement upon his return is comical, complete with high-pitched squeals and a tail that looks like it will wag right off her rear-end.

Just as amazing (but not as surprising) is AC's devotion to his younger daughter Megan. They have a bond that is different from any other father/daughter combo I know. As she struggles for independence like any normal teenager, he tries to give her a certain measure of fr3eedom while maintaining his parental responsibility to look after her best interests. The trials they have been through over the past few years - both before and after I came on to the scene - have been an exercise in strengthening their bond. This comes through faith & trust in God as well as one another. Little things like fishing or playing guitars & singing make memories neither of them will soon forget.