Who am I?

Loganville, GA, United States
I'm a Christian woman married to a wonderful pastor's son. I thank the Lord for loving me enough to not only save me, but to send me such a wonderful man!~~~ Mom/step-mom to 6, w/4 grandkids so far. ~~~I have such diverse interests, I'm not quite sure where to start.~~~I'm a child of God; mom; daughter; wife; sister; aunt; cousin; niece; daughter-in-law; friend; entrepreneur; marketer; but mostly a goofball who loves her life!~~~I love, laugh, sing, cry, read, surf the WWW, blog, make endless lists. ~~~Food is a weakness and a passion.~~~Coffee is good - in moderation.~~~Randomness keeps life from getting boring.~~~***~~~And just in case you're wondering why my main blog is called Inside KATY's Head, Katy is a nickname for my 1st name, and what my mother-in-law thought I looked like when she first saw my picture. And it's easier to type!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Prayer Requests

This will be an ongoing, continually updated blog. Having so much family & two churches makes the prayer list long.

Telesa Kendall: our GA pastor's wife has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The good news is that she shouldn't have to go through chemo or radiation. She will have to undergo a double bilateral mastectomy, which should eradicate the cancer from her body. We are praying for a miracle of healing as well as for strength for the family during this time.

Johnny Pettit: my step-daughter's boyfriend's father. He had a massive heart attack Wednesday night. Doctors performed surgery and found a tumor. It is my understanding he also had some internal bleeding, although I'm not sure of the cause. This morning it was confirmed that the tumor is cancer. I do not know at this time the location of the tumor. I also do not know if Mr. Pettit is a believer.

Nina & her son, Joseph: a teacher at my nephews' homeschool weekly group. I don't know her specific need, but the Lord knows & I'm praying for her peace & healing, whether it's physical or emotional.

Denise: another teacher at that school - health problems/pain; family

Kelly Shearrow: my oldest child (24). She may have diabetes, which would explain several problems she's had in the past. She had her sugar checked yesterday afternoon, and having had only cup of coffee with sugar early in the morning & not eating during the day it was 131, which has her concerned.

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